Monday, 26 March 2012

Style Crush...

Lately I have been looking for something new. I have no clue what i have been looking for, i just know i am looking for something. But who has the honour of being my new style crush you ask...why none other than the very talented and beautiful...Lily Collins!

Lily Collin: 

First large role in 90210, then onto The Blind Side, Abduction (with Taylor Lautner WELL JEL) and now she is starring a Snow White in 'Mirror Mirror'. 

Not only do i love her fashion but i love her beauty looks to!


Her gorgeous auburn hair, pale complexion, large eyes, thick well kept eyebrows and one amazing stylist to choose her outfits!  

You want to know what i love most about this beautiful young lady? 


I am currently growing them out in the hope of achieving the bold, elegant and fresh look!   

So tell me...who is your style crush?

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Typical Make up...

Picture 2: Whats in my make up bag: (left to right) Cheap liquid eye liner, brushes, dream matt mousse concealer, pressed powder and foundation all in porcelain, pam stik by maxfactor, No. 7 mascara and a lush charity pot. 

Picture 2: My beautiful make up bag my grandmother bought me!

I love all of these products! I love 'Cheap' liquid eyeliner, seriously! The cheaper the better it stays on longer! 

I hardly use any of this stuff but I carry it around ya'know just in case I see a hot guy! I'm jokin'...well sort of. 


This make normally lasts me at least a good 4 months! 

Feel free to leave a comment and check out my other blog 

I was wondering if anyone could tell me the name of a good make of tripod!? I am struggling to find one! 


Monday, 5 March 2012

Haul and...HAIRCUT!

Long time no blog, ladz.

Picture 1:  My new Haircut and glasses! 
Picture 2: My new PRESCRIPTION glasses
Picture 3: What I bought at the weekend
Picture 4: New sunglasses Asos
Picture 5: New purse Primark 
Picture 6: Jumper + Necklaces from 'Armstrongs' in Edinburgh! 

Whatya think of my amazing photography? The 'prescription' is in capitals because...well everyone thinks they are fake! 

Check out I have no clue who she is but i found her on Sunday and have fallen in love with her voice! 


Outfit posts coming soon, I promise! 

Check out my other blog 

Feel free to leave me a comment ;) 

Monday, 27 February 2012

Small issues.

Yes, this is another moaning/apology blog. My camera is great but it's memory sucks, so i ordered a new memory card and stuff. Also the weather is Scotland has been poor! And i have pretty much no where in my house that would remotely be nice for an outfit post. I shall keep y'all posted and hopefully within the nest 2 weeks i will have a post up.   

Thursday, 16 February 2012

The bad bad blogger...

Yup, i am aware it has been a while but guess what!?!?!?!

It came!!

I am now the proud owner of a nikon camera!!

I am just fiddling about with it just now but the plan is to do at least one high quality outfit post every month or so! 

Expect the first one rather soon! I am also updating the layout of my blog! 

See you all soon again! 


Wednesday, 1 February 2012


My camera is on it's way but it will not be here for yet another week! I know, i know i want to shoot them to!

Sorry again guys but just another week is all i ask!


Saturday, 28 January 2012

Appologies and hopefully your forgiveness!

Dear Reader,

This blog will be going on a one week hiatus due to Samantha Gardner's ass...

Haha! Kidding. My big sister broke my camera so my new one will be here next week some time. Hopefully before the Ceilidh so i can take lots of pictures for you!

I am really sorry but i am purchasing a new camera and tripod so some outfit posts will be in the near future of this blog! Well when this horrible weather clears up!

Thanks for understanding and if not them leave a strongly worded comment below!


Friday, 27 January 2012

Vitamins And Minerals!

When i was about to dive into the Vitamin world i had no idea what was good for what and what would help me! I made this easy guide, it shows you which vitamins are good for and helps! 

As a vegetarian i had to know what supplements to take as well! After weeks of research this is what i came up with! I hope it helps! 


Vitamin A (retinol):   

Good for: eyesight, growth, appetite and taste.

Good sources: Liver, cod liver oil, carrots, green leafy vegetables, egg yolks, enriched margarine, milk products and yellow fruits. 

Destroyed by: Fatty Acids. 

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 

Good for: Nervous system, digestion, heart, muscles, alcohol damaged nerve tissue. 

Good sources: Liver, yeast, egg yolk, cereal, red meat,nuts and wheatgerm. 

destroyed by: alcohol, coffee and high temperature 

Vitamin  B2 (riboflavin) 

Good for: Growth, skin, nails, hair, sensitive lips and tongue, eyesight, the breakdown of protein, fat and carbohydrates.

Good sources: Milk, liver, yeast, cheese, green leafy vegetables, fish.

Destroyed by: Alcohol and light (this is why milk-cartons are better than bottles).

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 

Good for: Preventing skin conditions, nerve problems, helps the body absorb protein and carbohydrate.

Good sources: Fish, bananas, chicken, pork, wholegrains and dried beans.

Destroyed by: The contraceptive pill, roasted or boiled food, alcohol and oestrogen (the female hormone)

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) 

Good for: 
Making red blood and the formation of the nerves.

Good sources: Eggs, shellfish, poultry, meat,liver, milk, cheese and fortified cereal.

Destroyed by: Water, sunlight, alcohol, oestrogen and sleeping pills.

Vitamin C (ascrobic acid)

Good for: 
Immune defence system, protection from viruses and bacteria, healing wounds, reducing cholesterol, cell lifespan and preventing scurvy.(arrrrg!) 

Good sources: Citrus fruits, kiwi fruit, berries, tomatoes, cauliflower, potatoes, green leafy vegetables and peppers.

Destroyed by: Boiling food, light, smoking and heat.

Vitamin D

Good for: Strong bones and teeth.

Good sources: Sunlight (the action of sunlight on the skin allows our bodies to manufacture vitamin D), cod liver oil, sardines, herring, salmon, tuna, milk and milk products.

Destroyed by: Mineral oil.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) 

Good for: 
Fighting toxins – vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant.

Good sources: Nuts, soya beans, vegetable oil, broccoli, sprouts, spinach, wholemeal products and eggs.

Destroyed by: Heat, oxygen, frost, iron and chlorine.



Good for: 
Strong bones and teeth, nerve function, muscle contraction, blood clotting.

Good sources: Milk, cheese, butter, yoghurt and green leafy vegetables.


Good for: 
Red blood cells and muscle function, white blood cells and the immune system.

Good sources: Lean red meat, oily fish, egg yolks, green leafy vegetables, nuts, wholegrains and wholewheat.


Good for: 
Converting energy from food, cell repair, building strong bones, teeth and muscles and regulating body temperature.

Good sources: Green leafy vegetables, wholegrains and nuts.


Good for: 
Immune system, the breakdown of protein, fat and carbohydrate.

Good sources: Meat, shellfish, milk brown rice and wholegrains. 

I am going to do a post on herbs as well! I know this will not appeal to all but i hope it helped/s some! 


Thursday, 26 January 2012

Gothic, Vamp or just odd?

At this moment in time i am OBSESSED with the 'vamp' trend but i like to think of it more as a 'bad ass' trend!
The dark lipstick, leather jackets, panda eyes, pale skin(thank god i hate fake tan!)...and just looking plain bad ass!

I also love the glamorous eyes as you see in my previous post!

My tips for trying to achieve this look? Well...

When you want to wear your lipstick all day but you haven't got a stain one then do not fear!

Eyeshadow...yes, you did read right eyeshadow. Dust some of a similar colour eyeshadow over your lips then put your lipstick over it and it will last all day or night. And seal if with lipgloss if it is for a night out!

This is Rimmel London's 128 Starry Eyed. I love this colour especially with a gloss over it! It looks so elegant and glamorous but when you were it with jeans and a tattered t-shirt or a leather biker jacket it looks edgy and so on trend right now!


p.s check out

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Eyeliner: The Flicks.

This post shall not be much about me! I have a new blog for all that stuff so y'all don't have to listen to me go on and on about myself.

I love eyeliner, but a huge trend in Scotland and a huge trend for spring is flicks!

(I found this online so credits go to whoever put this together) 

This is pretty much most of the liquid eyeliner flicks that people will be wearing closer to spring (if you live in Scotland you will see it now). 
On the left hand column, 2 up from the bottom is the most commonly wore style. The thickness and flick remind me on the Chinese style cartoon Manga. It makes the eye look round and appear bigger. 

I will be trying out the flick on the Right hand column fourth picture down! I love it! It has that cat eye look! It looks glamorous and edgy at the same time! 

When looking for a liquid eyeliner you should consider the following: 
Value for money
Length of application brush
Style of applicator

My personal favourite is  Revlon Colour Stay Eyeliner . It is a pen like eyeliner that has a fine tip, easy application and is pretty much affordable! 

What do you prefer liquid or pencil eyeliner? Do you have any recommendations on a pencil eyeliner?


Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Hair Care Tips! (Seeing as how my last blog was a personal one)

1. Washing hair with cold water seals water into the hair shaft, helping prevent breakage and makes hair shine.

2. Static Hair? Avoid using plastic brushes or combs, as they are the cause. 

3. If you colour your hair wait at least 48 hours after colouring hair to shampoo it. Every time you wet hair you open the cuticle so give hair time to seal in the colour. 

4. Trim the ends of you hair once every 2 weeks, only cutting of 2 cm. This promotes hair growth and makes hair healthier and shinier. 

5. Before entering a pool, wet your hair so your hair will soak up the initial water instead of the chlorinated water. 

6. Alternate between 2 shampoos and conditioners to avoid your hair developing a build up and resistance to your regular products. 

7. Use a leave in conditioner; it'll hydrate and protect your hair. A leave in conditioner on your hair is the equivalent of moisturiser on your face. I recommend Aussie Miracle Moist Leave In Conditioner  

8. Using your fingertips to massage your scalp will increase circulation in your scalp which is important for hair growth. 

9. If you colour your hair, limit coloring it to once every 2 months. Hair coloring damages your hair and the less frequently you colour it the better. 

10. Avoid sleeping with tightly braided hair or hair in a tight ponytail. The stress can cause breakage and/or hair loss. 

11. If you HAVE to tie your hair up when you sleep then use a scrunchie (retro!) as it will prevent alot of the breakage that would occur when using a rubber band. 

12. To much brushing is damaging but brushing does promote hair growth as it spreads the hair oils across the lengths of your hair. 

13. For ethnic hair: Use a mild moisturising shampoo with a low PH level when washing your hair. Wash ever 3 to 7 days to promote healthier hair. 

14. (i am being hypocritical here) Use a sulphate and SLS free shampoo. 

15. Staying hydrated is important for healthy hair as well as your overall health so make sure that you are taking enough water. 

16. Use dry shampoo every other day as they are not damaging to hair and allow you to wash your hair every other day without it feeling dirty. I recommend Tropical Batiste 

17. Avoid using hair styling products with alcohol which dries out hair. 

18. When colouring your hair (if darker) consider using henna dyes instead as they are less harmful to hair. Lush Henna Hair dye. 

19. Use an intensive mask every 3 days, to give hair a healthier appearance. I recommend Hello Hydration Intensive Treatment Mask. 

20. ALWAYS use a heat protector spray. I recommend VO5 Heat Styling Spray. (it smells AMAZING!) 

I plan on doing some tips every week or month or so...just beauty, hair and general care. 



A confession, a rant, a thank you and a little twilight bashin'.

These are becoming pretty common on the front anyway.

My confession? None of my friends know about my blog, they know i blog but i have never and probably never will tell them about this. I guess i just feel a little silly but believe me i am not ashamed of you guys! I use to have tumblr but that is completely different from blogger. I mean i use to have over 1000 followers of tumblr thanks to my 'tumblr famous' friends. I have never been part of that crew though. Where the people on tumblr reblog photos of hash, drugs, people having sex and promoting eating disorders i was never into that sort of thing. Against that kind of thing infact i also came of it because i began to be sucked into a void i never wanted to be in. I done something i still to this day find revolting. I followed 40 'pro ana' blogs. I began reading them and got sucked into to a dark place where my mind was beginning to think the same way.

(I want anyone reading this post to take note that this was in a dark period of time and in no way do i support any eating disorder or self harm)

 When i came into the realisation of what i was beginning to turn into i deleted tumblr. So for about a year i never blogged or 'tumbled' or anything. Then i found a need to blog when i was feeling ill and joined this amazing site! I never wanted (this excluding some) wanted my tumblr followers to follow me here. Some of them are amazing and people i consider friends even though never having met them. However there are always the few who enjoyed my darkness at the time. One girl even wanted to be my 'ana buddy' which thankfully i laughed at and turned down.

The pressure of social networking these days is increasing the amount of teens who turn into drugs and alcohol. What i find highly amusing is that so many people (that i know) are drinking and taking drugs and what they think to be 'unique' and 'hipster' is infact becoming what they hate, it is becoming 'mainstream'!

So anyway what i wanted to say is...Thank you. Thank you to the people who read this (i am sure not to many). Thank you to the people who comment, this site is full of amazing people and though this sounds sappy i really do appreciate every single follow, read and comment i get.

On a lighter note...


Thanks again...I now have a new blog for all this stuff rather than polluting beauty people with all this personal jazz! Please take a look!


Monday, 23 January 2012

Ceilidh Update!...and my ramblings of the day!

Right, so, lads, the ceilidh is only 10 days away and i am getting super excited!


I was shattered this morning so i slept in until about 11, much to my mothers anger! The good thing? I never had to do anything until my 03:50 appointment with my wonderful (she said sarcastically) Doctor. So i went and was late as per usual...and met with my doctor. I had my weight and height taken and have dropped another 10 pounds (she said grudgingly) but OH WELL!

On to happier things!

Ceilidh outfit! I have found shoes, a clutch AND a jacket!!!!

DISCLAIMER! ...just kidding! I had to use my webcam because my BIG sister sat on my camera!

Again, i kid...sorta. She is a normal size but she did sit on my camera!







My Jacket!!!: 


'Hot' Am i right? Yeah, i thought i was!!! 

Finally! My dress (if you have not seen it in previous posts!) 

Whatcha think?! 

I am going to do a post with 3 different hairstyles and make up style. Yah know just to get all your opinions on. 

The whole look is kinda edgy so i was going to go for that with the make up! But, that is for another post! 

Would love to hear all your opinions on the look i am going for! 


1. Should i wear black tights or just my very pale legs? 
2. Fake tan or no fake tan? 
3. lipstick or lipgloss? 

As you can see i need help! 


Sunday, 22 January 2012

Long Overdue!!

I want to thank the lovely Miss Scarlett from  for this lovely award! 

The Versatile Blogger Award! 


1. You must thank the person who awarded you the award including a shout-out with a link on your blog.

2. Share 7 random facts about yourself.

3. Send the award on to 15 other bloggers whose blogs you like to read and let them know about it.

So 7 random facts:

1. I have a HUGE fear of food poisoning

2. The thing i am looking forward to this year (including prom and my ceilidh) is...CRUFTS!

3. Russell Howard is my crush.

4. The most books i have ever read is 4 in a day (each about 300 pages)

5. Team Edward or Jacob? Pft, more like TEAM PEETA!

6. I have a very gothic side that pops out every few weeks.

7. I am a FMX/MX specialist (Number One Fan)

Blogs i want to give this award to...


Yeah...I broke the rules i am so sorry (it seems i spend half the time on here apologising) but i don't know 16 blogs i really follow so here are 7 i could think of just now...i am sorry again if i forgot anyone because


Aye so i am a rather forgetful person but if i didn't tag you in this and i follow you leave an angered comment so i may say how sorry i am!!

LOVE YOU ALL (again)


My rambling thoughts...

Right. I was in Stirling and was disgusted! I mean honestly there was a young girl i am guessing about 10 years old wearing SO much make up. Now here i was wearing no make up and am about 16 and there was a girl younger than me wearing cakes of it! 

She looked like this (seriously)
Ok so maybe not the whole 60 years old thing but you get the picture!  

AND then when i went to walk into Boots (at the make up wipes section to be ironic) I seen a girl my age with foundation lines that were so bad i cannot find an image to illustrate it. It was disgusting. Why do young girls feel the need to wear so much make up? Are they that insecure? 

Here's me kicking about with no make up...

Yeah as my sister says i look 'braw'. 

Apologies about the rant. 

Why is the younger generation so insecure? Do we lead such a bad example? 



Ok so i know no matter what i say y'all will be annoyed that i haven't posted in AGES.

So yeah i am really sorry.

Lifes just been annoying with school, being ill and basically me being really lazy!

So i hope you all don't hate me and i will try extra hard to post more i promise!